Thursday, May 7, 2020

Someone called me Mr Networking! Is this a bad thing?

Someone called me Mr Networking! Is this a bad thing?

In the last few months, I seemed to have gained myself a reputation as the guy who is always at Networking events! (Thanks to Doug @unmaskedmentalhealth) Yes, I have been to a fair few recently, I admit (including Ladies4networking L4N but that was an accident!), but that’s ok, isn’t it? Well, it got me thinking about why I’ve been going to so many networking events and if I really am Mr Networking!

Here are the top 5 reasons why I network!

1.   Business Connections: stating the obvious I guess, as it’s the whole point of these events but Meeting other business owners in person is a really important step to securing new jobs and clients. It creates a path from You to Them!

2.   Learn from the experts: who better to gain advice and recommendations from than other people who have worked in business, some for a lot of years! The chance to talk and ask questions with people who are experts by experience is priceless. They will have connections and ideas that could be hugely valuable to your business’s progress and development.